Hello! How are you? It's almost May. Wow.
Many of us are going into month 2 of quarantine. Restlessness, frustration, stress, anxiety, fear, grief, boredom, surrender, gratitude — are emotions I find myself bouncing all over constantly. Rollercoaster is an understatement...
BUT spring is still happening. The sunshine, and flowers, and birds chirping outside my window remind me daily that life goes on. And that we always have a choice — not in what happens to us — but in how we choose to respond.
How can we continue to show up for ourselves and others when life-as-we-know-it is shifting so radically?
I'm faaar from having this thing down, but movement, meditation, and little rituals throughout my day make a big difference. From feeling powerless and drained to feeling connected and hopeful (not always, but for some stretches at least!)
With that, here are some resources that are keeping me sane and grounded during this time. I hope they help you in some little way.
Daily yoga with this app. All 40 minute classes, which I've found to be the perfect in-between time commitment for this in-between time. 40 minutes feels pretty do-able (on most days) and Henry's classes are so very good. The best doing-yoga-but-not-having-to-
Sitting down to breathe everyday (even when I don't feel like it). Because conscious breath is gold for cutting through the jumble of loud scary thoughts. Here are some breathwork exercises I shared on IGTV (or YouTube). This is also a great written guide. Breath is the bridge between our conscious and unconscious mind.
On that same note, mantras have been my safety blanket. Anytime I feel unsettled or off (like in the middle of the night) I listen to this, this, or this. Sanskrit mantras work on a subtle, vibrational level to move sh*t up and out. All those heavy, dense, low energy feelings — mantras are here for that.
Little rituals to mark time. Lemon water when I wake up, black tea for a caffeine boost, herbal infusions throughout the afternoon and evening. If you're experiencing any covid symptoms, this is a must-make immunity tea (links to an Instagram highlight). My pantry staples for everyday support include — green tea, nettle, tulsi, astragalus, ginger, turmeric (fresh or dried, organic when possible). For infusions, I make a batch in this in the AM and keep it going all dayyy.
oing outside for a refresh. Unfortunately this isn't possible for everyone, but even keeping windows open, sitting on the fire escape, and basking in fresh air and sunshine is so healing. Nature lowers stress and strengthens our immune system. During the 1918 pandemic patients who were treated outside recovered faster than those kept inside #goodtoknow. Plus air is less polluted now, so that's nice.