A sporadic newsletter of yoga, wellness, and sustainability things we're loving right now. To receive future newsletters in your inbox sign up here.
1. Now that Spring is around the corner (!) my body is craving raw, green foods again. And nothing compares to the freshness of just-picked, still-living sprouts. The ultimate superfood that can be grown on your kitchen counter. Currently growing clover, arugula, cress, radish, fenugreek, dill, sunflowers, and pea shoots.
2. Breathtaking Big Sur checked off the bucket list. Still dreaming of the narrow winding highway above the crashing surf. And the freshest of fresh air in the redwoods. One of the most beautiful places I've ever seen.
3. New deodorant crush — Bloc D' Alun. Made in France from pure potassium alum, a naturally occurring mineral that inhibits the growth of odor-causing bacteria. Highly portable.
4. Earthy, toasty and mellow, this green tea has become my go-to 4pm pick-me-up. Genmaicha is a specially prepared green tea, easy(ish) to find in bulk at various price points.
5. Move over liquid soap, the dish block is here. A zero-waste, multi-purpose alternative with a sudsy lather. Très chic when paired with this handmade soap dish (back in stock in March).
6. On the bookshelf: Smart Women Finish Rich. Financial stability is important, but especially so for women. Because women (on average) earn less per dollar, live longer, and are statistically more impacted by life events. Money is associated with our root chakra — our sense of safety and security. Without a solid foundation, it's hard to open the charkas above (to find your purpose, follow your dreams, live your fullest life). Everyone deserves abundance, whatever that looks like for you. Since personal finance is unfortunately not taught in school... the next best step is educating ourselves and learning from one another (men and women)!