Anti-racism resources:
I'm pulling these together for myself, more so than anyone else.
I hope they are helpful for you also. But they only work, if we do the work.
(From left to right)
2. Why I'm No Longer Talking To White People About Racism
4. 1619 Podcast
6. Freedom Is A Constant Struggle
8. 13th
9. Rachel Cargle's Public Address On Revolution
11. Why You Need To Stop Saying "All Lives Matter"
12. Black History Month Library
14. 26 Ways To Be In The Struggle If You Can't Be In The Streets
15. Comprehensive Compilation of Anti-Racism Resources — from articles, to books, movies, videos, podcasts, Instagram accounts, and action steps intended for white and non-black POC who want to deepen their anti-racism work.
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